My Dream Job

If I could have any job in the entire world, it would be professional motocross rider. I would want to be a professional motocross rider because you get to ride dirt bikes and quads all day. On other reason is because they have races and other events in the wild. I also get to make a lot of new friends that do motocross. And do all kinds of races. One reason is because it is a lot of fun. Because you get to ride dirt bikes. My second reason why I want to do motocross is because I get to make a lot of new friends. My third reason is because it is very adventurous and I am very adventurous. I like going out to the wild and exploring nature.

“Rad reading – February”

This month I read a book called Way of the WARRIOR KID MARC’S MISSION by Jocko Willink. I have not finished this book yet; I am currently on page 110. The main characters in this book are Marc, uncle Jake, Marc’s mom and Nathan. Marc is 12 year old boy who trains jiujitsu and works out with his uncle. Marcs mom helps around the house while Marc and his uncle work. Marc started a business to make money to get the Bentlee bike. Nathan is a kid that goes the Marc’s school and bullies kids with his words. Uncle Jake and Marc gather information about Nathan so Marc knows everything about him To fight him. I liked this book because I like to see Marc change throughout his life and face his bullies. I also like this book because his uncle a navy seal comes over for the summer to teach Marc the warrior way to life. Uncle Jake explains the warrior code to be a warrior kid. My favorite character is Marc because I like to see him become and warrior. Another reason why are is my favorite character is because he used to be a weak kid at school and know he is one of the strongest at the school. A character trait that describes Marc is brave. A quote the prove this is “It was time for Jui-jitsu to get used. I pushed through the crowd and walked right up to Nathan.” This proves that Nathan is brave because he would stand up for a random kid he didn’t know. Even when it didn’t matter how big the person was he was that was bullying the kid. My favorite quote from this book is “Just like the discipline of studying and working out and training jiu-jitsu gave me freedom, the discipline of working hard for what I want also gives me freedom.” This quote is meaningful to me because it teaches you how to have freedom throughout your life.