The Best Meal

Hello my name is Mason and the best meal ever is at BJ’s the pizza in so cheesy and delicious. It is so big and just awesome with a lot of tomato sauce with crunchy bread and pepperoni. I really like the pizza there because it is just very good and very delicious. It is so good I wish I could go there every day. The crusty bread on the crust with the hot steaming bread in the inside that just make it delish. Thank you for reading my vlog.

My Dream House

Hi my name is Mason and my dream house is going to be amazing. I am going to live in New York on the tallest building in the city. I am going to have five master bedrooms and three bathrooms. I will live 300 stories high and have a view of all of New York. There will be ten butlers waiting in every room for when I need something. And to top it off I will behave a five star chef make me the most relishes meal for dinner.

My Dream Vacation

If I could travel anywhere on planet earth it would be Hawaii. I would like to travel there because it has a lot of nature and awesome hikes. There is a lot of good fishing spots and a lot of Hawaiian people that are nice. And a lot of good surfing spots. And a lot of native Hawaiians. So I would like to go to Hawaii because of the research I have made.

All About Me…

hello, My name is Mason welcome to my blog. My favorite hobbies are playing football and baseball. There are four people in my family. I am 12 years old. I met most of my friends in elementary but at the school that bi am am at know I have made a lot of friends that have the same interest that I do. One of my brothers is four and is in tk and the other one is is 3rd grade.